The Bengaluru civic body announced on Saturday that all meat stalls, non-vegetarian hotels, and restaurants within a 13-kilometer radius of the Yelahanka Air Force Station will remain closed from January 23 to February 17. This decision comes in preparation for the Aero India Show.
The 15th edition of Aero India is set to take place in Yelahanka, on the outskirts of Bengaluru, from February 10 to 14.
In a public notice, the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) stated that the sale and serving of non-vegetarian dishes would be restricted during this period.
Why The Ban?
According to BBMP officials, the decision aims to prevent scavenger birds from being attracted to the area. They explained that non-vegetarian food littered in public places attracts many scavenger birds, especially kites, which can lead to mid-air accidents.
What Will Be The Punishment For The Violation
Any violation of the order will attract punishment under the BBMP Act-2020 and rule 91 of the Indian Aircraft Rules 1937.
The Aero India will feature a ‘Defence Ministers’ Conclave, CEOs’ round-table and a large exhibition comprising India Pavilion and a trade fair of aerospace companies.
Aero India attracts exhibitors from the world’s leading industries in the field of aerospace and Defence.
Aero India
Aero India offers a unique platform for industry players to showcase their capabilities, products, and services to a focused audience. As a biennial gathering, it enables industry leaders to network, collaborate, and influence the future direction of the aerospace and defense sectors.
Over the years, Aero India has established itself as a globally recognized premier aerospace exhibition, with 14 successful editions held in Bengaluru since its inception in 1996.