New Delhi: Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal on Friday visited Lt Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena for the weekly meeting. The Chief Minister skipped the meeting last week owing to a political tussle between the two.
After the meeting, the Chief Minister talked to media persons and said: We may have a difference of opinions on various issues. Matbhed ho sakte hain, manbhed nahi hai. He is Lt Governor and I’m Chief Minister – we may have different opinions on issues but we will sort out those issues through discussions and work together.
“Important for Delhi that CM and LG work together,” added CM Kejriwal.
While giving details on the meeting, Delhi CM informed that the meeting was held in “a cordial environment”. The two discussed several issues including water, cleanliness, electricity and so on. He said, “We will work together as we have always done so far.”
This meeting holds the significance as the Chief Minister did not attend the meeting last week citing illness.
There were a number of issues between Delhi CM Kejriwal and LG Saxena including the delay in getting permission to visit Singapore for a summit. CM Kejriwal has been invited to the summit to showcase Delhi Model.