New Delhi: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev has told in the interview to our colleague G Business that Patanjali Ayurved’s IPO is coming soon. Let us tell you that the value of Patanjali Foods Share has reached Rs 1380 at present. In this way, the market cap of Patanjali Foods, the company of yoga guru Baba Ramdev has crossed Rs 50,000 crore. Baba Ramdev has recently given a statement that why does Patanjali Foods want to remain debt free? He also told the expansion plan of this company. Let’s know what he said in this news?
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Will be self-sufficient in palm oil!
During the interview, Baba Raodev said that our focus is to make Patanjali Foods a debt free company. To liquidate 6 per cent by December 2022. Patanjali is busy in achieving its target. The company is planning to cultivate palm on more than 15 lakh acres of land. According to him, with this the company is targeting to get an annual profit of about Rs 2 thousand crore in 5 to 7 years. He told that the palm tree will give profit for 40 years. With this, the country will move towards becoming self-sufficient in palm oil. The country will save Rs 3 lakh crore. Now Patanjali Foods will no longer be just an oil company.
Which companies will IPO? (Patanjali IPO)
Baba Ramdev told in the interview that plans are being made to bring IPO of at least 4 companies. Other companies of Patanjali including Patanjali Ayurved, Patanjali Wellness, Patanjali Medicine can be included in this IPO plan. These IPOs will come in the coming years.
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Patanjali’s stock on the sky!
The purchase of Patanjali Foods stock in the stock market is increasing continuously. Because of this, the stock price has reached a 52-week high in the stock market. On Friday, September 09, the stock price was at Rs 1380.35. During the trading on the same day, the stock price also went up to Rs 1400.
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