India’s Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, will present her 8th budget on February 1. With this, she has surpassed Morarji Desai’s record of presenting five full budgets between 1959 and 1964. Appointed in 2019 as India’s first full-time woman finance minister after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s re-election, Sitharaman has made history as the first finance minister to present seven consecutive budgets, surpassing Desai, who previously held the record with six. However, Desai still holds the record for presenting the highest number of budgets at 10.
Nirmala Sitharaman’s saree choices have a significant fan following. She is known for her thoughtful selection of attire while presenting the nation’s most anticipated budget, which plays a key role in steering India toward becoming a progressive and developed nation. In fact, her choice of attire subtly reflects the hard work and perseverance of the country’s marginalized communities, who are on the path to progress, making a powerful statement in support of their contributions.
Nirmala Sitharaman’s affinity for sarees is well-known. As Nirmala Sitharaman makes history on Tuesday, here’s a look at her diverse sarees through the years. Nirmala Sitharaman’s decision to wear sarees for each budget session reflects her strong connection to Indian textiles and craftsmanship. During her first budget presentation, she made a distinctive choice by replacing the conventional briefcase with a traditional bahi khata, placed in a red packet featuring the national emblem, wrapped in a ribbon. For that occasion, she opted for a pink Mangalgiri silk saree with elegant gold borders.
The ‘Saree’ Curiosity
Nirmala Sitharaman’s saree choices during budget presentations have garnered significant attention and admiration. Along with a large number of housewives, saree lovers from various backgrounds, including a small group of men, appreciate her distinctive and elegant choices. Her attire has become a topic of discussion, symbolizing not just style, but also cultural pride. The way she showcases Indian textiles has further enhanced the appreciation for sarees in modern contexts.
Diverse Sarees Through The Years Budget Sarees
In 2019, Sitharaman replaced the traditional budget briefcase with a red ‘bahi khata,’ symbolizing prosperity. The bahi khata featured golden threads and displayed the national emblem at the top. For the occasion, she wore a pink Mangalgiri saree with gold borders.
For Budget 2020, Nirmala Sitharaman chose a yellow silk saree with a blue border, making a meaningful symbolic statement. In Hindu culture, yellow is seen as an auspicious color, representing hope and prosperity. Given the challenging times of the Covid pandemic, her choice of yellow conveyed a message of optimism and resilience.
For Budget 2021, Nirmala Sitharaman wore a Pochampally silk saree from Telangana, known for its unique Ikat design. This choice sent a strong message of support for local artisans and India’s weaving communities.
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In 2022, she continued to champion regional craftsmanship by donning a Bomkai saree, a tribute to Odisha’s handloom tradition. The brown saree with maroon and gold borders was made in Bomkai village, Ganjam district, and highlighted the rich heritage of the region.
For Budget 2023, she selected a striking red silk saree, featuring black temple motifs on the borders, showcasing the Kasuti embroidery from Karnataka’s Dharwad region.
In 2024, she paired the red bahi khata with a blue tussar silk saree, adorned with Kantha embroidery, a traditional craft from West Bengal. By consistently wearing handwoven sarees, the finance minister has demonstrated her commitment to promoting India’s rich textile heritage, providing a national platform for these traditional crafts on Budget Day.