Indian Railways: With regard to general or unreserved tickets, Indian Railways has made a significant decision. Railways have increased the distance for purchasing general tickets via the UTS mobile app to 20 kilometres. Until now, the ticket could only be purchased if they were within five kilometres of the railroad station.
According to the railways, the 5 km distance restriction on the non-suburban segment of the UTS mobile app has been removed. Passengers can now purchase tickets without making a reservation within a 20-kilometer radius of the railroad station. Furthermore, the previous speed limit of two to five kilometres per hour in the suburban section has been raised to ten kilometres per hour.
This decision by the Railways will benefit passengers who travel on general tickets. As a result, it is being interpreted as a decision to reduce the crowd at the ticket counter.
Features of the UTS App
Through the UTS mobile app, passengers can easily order platform tickets, monthly passes, and general tickets. You can use UPI and online banking to conduct transactions in this.
Stepwise process to book online tickets from UTS App:
- Download UTS App on your mobile phone.
- Click on the booking ticket menu and select Normal booking.
- After that select the departure station name and destination name and ticket type.
- Choose the type of ticket you wish to book.
- Make the final online payment.
- You will be able to see the ticket on your UTS App.