Wipro the IT major has announced its plans to onboard 10,000-12,000 freshers in the financial year 2025-26. The Chief Human Resources Officer Saurabh Govil of Wipro announced this in a press conference. The company has shared this following the company’s release of its Q3FY25 earnings report.
Infosys the IT major has announced its plans to onboard 20,000 freshers in the financial year 2025-26. The company has announced this recently. The company has shared this news considering hiring by the competition.
Govil, during the press conference on Friday evening, emphasised a cautious yet consistent hiring approach to avoid overcommitting. This comes as the company reassesses its hiring models to improve employee utilisation and grow margins amid declining attrition rates.
Wipro’s onboarding plans come after a period of subdued hiring and major layoffs in the IT sector and could potentially signal a turnaround in the industry with a recovery in demand and discretionary spending.
For the current financial year, Wipro said that it had aimed to hire about 10,000 freshers. Around 7,000 have already been onboarded in the October-December (Q3) quarter and another 2,500-3,000 are expected to join in the last quarter of FY25.
Wipro Revoking Offers
When asked about the company’s revoking offers for 2022 graduates, the firm cited a time gap between extending offers and onboarding. To maintain quality, Wipro introduced reassessment processes and provided skilling opportunities to ensure candidates remain industry-ready.
Wipro also announced the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its fresher-level hiring, a shift in its recruitment strategy.
Infosys Hiring
Other major IT firms in India have also made similar declarations, with Infosys planning to hire over 20,000 freshers in FY26 and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) also committing to onboarding more graduates in the coming financial year. However, in its latest quarterly earning report, TCS did report a net decline of 5,370 employees, a significant shift after consecutive quarters of growth.
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