Adani Group’s chairman Gautam Adani’s younger son, Jeet Adani, will tie knot with Diva Jaimin Shah on February 7. Gautam Adani already clarified that the wedding is not going to be a grand affair. Adani, who recently visited Prayagraj on January 21, had said that the wedding will be a traditional and simple affair. While talking to reporters, Adani had said “Jeet’s marriage is on 7th February. Our activities are like common people. His marriage will be very simple and full of traditional ways.”
Though Adani claimed that it will be a simple affair, several names are doing the rounds on social media who may attend the wedding. It is being speculated that Taylor swift will attend the event. The other big names who are expected be present in the wedding are- Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Daniel Craig, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Rafel Nadal, Diljit Dosanjh, Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Billie Ellish, ColdPlay King charles and Pope.
Responding to a media question at Prayagraj if the wedding is going to be a “Maha Kumbh of celebrities,” Gautam Adani had said, “Definitely not!”
The wedding will take place in Ahmedabad on 7th February and it is expected that the pre-wedding celebrations will begin from February 5. Several reports suggested that at last 300 guests will attend the wedding, but nothing has been corroborated officially.
Jeet Adani got engaged to Diva Jaimin Shah, daughter of diamond trader Jaimin Shah, in March this year