New Delhi: The Bank of India has launched a new special fixed deposit scheme. The public sector bank will pay 7.30% interest rate to depositors under this special fixed deposit scheme. The tenure of the term deposit is 400 days. Senior citizens will get 7.80% interest rate under this special fixed deposit scheme. It is festive season gift from the bank to its depositors.
On FDs of other tenures, depositors can get as high as 6.80% for opening fixed deposit of tenure one year, two years and above one year to less than two years. On tax saver 5 year FDs, account holders will get 6.00% interest rate.
Senior citizens will get an additional rate of 0.75% on all FDs of tenure of three years and above. While, they will get additional of only 0.50% on time deposits of six months and less than three years.
On opening tax saver fixed deposit of five years to less than 10 years, senior citizens will get 6.75% interest rate.
Bank of Indi’s FDs’ tenure range from 7 days to 10 years. On 7 days to 14 days time period, both senior and general citizens get 3% RoI.
BOI Fixed Deposit Interest Rates
Tenure For deposits of less than Rs.3 Crore RoI (%)
Revised w.e.f 27.09.2024
7 days to 14 days 3
15 days to 30 days 3
31 days to 45 days 3
46 days to 90 days 4.5
91 days to 179 days 4.5
180 days to 210 days 6
211 days to 269 days 6
270 days to less than 1 Year 6
1 Year 6.8
Above 1 Year to less than 2 Years (except 400 Days) 6.8
400 days 7.3
2 Years 6.8
Above 2 Years to less than 3 Years 6.75
3 Years to less than 5 Years 6.5
5 Years to less than 8 Years 6
8 years & above to 10 Years 6
Also Read: Amrit Vrishti: Earn 7.75% Interest | Details Of SBI’s New Fixed Deposit Scheme