Airtel Follows Jio: In compliance with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) recent guidelines, Sunil Bharti Mittal led Airtel has launched two new voice-only prepaid plans, specially designed for users who primarily rely on calling and SMS services. Furthermore, these affordable plans offer long-term validity and unlimited calling benefits, catering to customers seeking budget-friendly voice and SMS options. Likewise, Airtel’s new plans allows consumers to pay only for voice and SMS services, without data, giving them more flexibility and cost savings.
Previously, Jio came up with two new voice-only prepaid plans, specially designed for users who primarily rely on calling and SMS services.
Airtel Follows Jio: Latest Voice Only Plans
Airtel’s Rs 458 recharge plan offers 84 days of validity, unlimited voice calling, free national roaming, and 900 free SMS, but does not include mobile data benefits. Moreover, this plan is tailored for users seeking short-term, budget-friendly plans that provide necessities like calling and SMS benefits.
Airtel’s Rs 1,959 recharge plan offers a 365-day validity, unlimited voice calling, free national roaming, and 3,600 free SMS, with no mobile data benefits. Moreover, this plan is tailored for users who are willing to have seamless, uninterrupted calling benefits for a full year.
Plan Removal
Alongside with the launch of these new plans, Airtel has discontinued its existing plan of worth Rs 509 plan (comes with 6GB data and 84-day validity) and Rs 1,999 plan (comes with 24GB data and a year validity).
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