The Indian Two wheeler segment is about to be set ablaze with new launches. And amongst the expected launches the Pulsar RS 200 would be one of the most highly anticipated vehicles. As per new news report by RushLane a few dealers have been given a closer look at the new RS 200 before the new bike is delivered after the launch. These changes have been reported based on what they saw and shared.
New Updates And Features
The new bike retains its looks and gets new design tweaks that make the bike’s design more amenable. The bike would now have a TFT display, that is fully digital rather then the older demi digital cluster that was available with the older bike. The new screen would provide the rider with advanced features such as updated graphics and improved readability.
Other Changes
As per the reports the bike would have a new tail lamp, this would offer a revised look at the new Rs 200. The design changes are tweaks rather than a overall redesign that would change the look of the bike profoundly. Beyond that the shared leaks also showcase how the bike might not have any USD forks.
Powertrain Of The Vehicle
The bike would continue to be powered by a 199.5 cc engine that is liquid cooled and produces close to 24.5 PS of power. The engine produces a peak torque of around 18.7 named would be paired with a 6 speed gearbox.
The efforts that Bajaj has put in to bring in new changes in the bike would be welcomed profoundly. The addition of the new TFT Display along with revised headlamps and taillight have given the vehicle a more aggressive look than before. The updated RS200 would possibly attract a pool of new riders and as well as old riders of the pulsar who are seeking a change.
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