New Delhi: MG on Tuesday took the wraps off its smallest EV car, the MG Comet, People were eagerly waiting for this. Although the company has not disclosed much about its price when it will be available to the customers in the market. It is being told that this is the Indian version of the company’s Wuling Air EV sold in Indonesia. It is an ultra-compact electric car.
Car measures 2.9 mm in length and 1.6 mm in width
The car measures 2.9 mm in length and 1.6 mm in width. The car has two side gates and a tailgate at the rear. The car will have features like connected car technology, dual-tone interiors, voice commands, wireless Apple Car Play and Android Auto and a sunroof. The car will have LED lighting and DRLs.
Range up to 300 km on a single full charge
MG Comet EV will run up to 230 km on a single charge. The car has a 17 kWh battery. Which generates a power of 68 Bhp. The car is expected to get a starting price of Rs 10 lakh to Rs 15 lakh ex-showroom. A 10.25-inch touch screen will be given in the car. Voice commands and other controls are given on the right side of the car’s steering.
Attractive colour option
LED strips have been given in their front and rear. It has small wheels and large quarter glass which gives it its distinctive boxy appearance. It has two dual-tone colour options Apple Green with black roof, and Candy White with black roof. It is available in three monotone colours Candy White, Aurora Silver and Tarry Black.
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