New Delhi: Maruti Suzuki is about to launch its compact crossover Franks in the country in April-May. The entry-level variant of this car is likely to cost around Rs 8 lakh and the ex-showroom price of its top variant is likely to be Rs 11 lakh. If this car is launched at this price point, then this car will compete with cars like Tata Punch, Nissan Magnite, Renault Kiger, Hyundai Venue and Kia Sonnet in the country. Currently, the ex-price of Tata Punch ranges between Rs. 6 lakh to Rs. 9.54 lakh.
How will the engine be?
The new Maruti Franks SUV can see a 1.0-liter, 3-cylinder turbo petrol boosterjet or a 1.2-liter, 4-cylinder naturally aspirated petrol engine. It will get boosted power with mild hybrid technology. Which generate outputs of 147.6Nm/100bhp and 113Nm/90bhp respectively. The naturally aspirated engine could get a 5-speed manual and a 5-speed AMT gearbox option. While the turbo-petrol engine can get 5-speed manual and 6-speed torque converter automatic transmission.
The 1.2L naturally aspirated petrol engine will come mated to a standard manual gearbox in the Sigma, Delta and Delta+ trims. While the AMT transmission will be available only in Delta and Delta+ trims. The turbo-petrol engine will be mated to a standard manual transmission in the Delta+, Zeta and Alpha trims. Whereas automatic gearbox will be available with Zeta and Alpha trims.
How will the features be?
Maruti Fronx compact crossover features 360-degree camera, head-up display (HUD), cruise control, leather-wrapped steering wheel, 16-inch diamond cut alloy wheels, dual-tone exterior colours, wireless charger, infotainment system with wireless smartphone connectivity, Features like 6-speaker sound system, colored MID in the instrument cluster, height adjustable driver’s seat, rear AC vents, fast USB charging point, connected car features, rear view camera and 7.0-inch touchscreen will be available.
Tata Punch
This car will compete with Tata Punch, which is very popular in the Indian market, this car gets a 1.2L petrol engine. The price of this car starts from Rs.6 lakhs.