New Delhi: The Mahindra Scorpio N, along with other variants such as the Thar and XUV700, has faced a long waiting period for bookings and supply due to its popularity since its launch in June 2022. However, now you don’t have to be so worried because the waiting period for bringing home the Scorpio N has been reduced. The delivery of the Mahindra Scorpio N will now be faster, and the waiting period has decreased.
The waiting period for the Z2 trim of Scorpio N is 6-7 months for the petrol variant and 7-8 months for the diesel variant. Just a month ago, the waiting period for both petrol and diesel variants of the Z2 trim was 11-12 months.
For the Z4 trim, you will have to wait for 10-12 months for both petrol and diesel variants. In May 2023, the waiting period for both petrol and diesel variants of the Z4 trim increased to 17-18 months.
The waiting period for the Z8 trim of Scorpio N in June is 12-13 months for both petrol and diesel variants.
The trim with the shortest waiting period for Scorpio N is the Z8L AT petrol variant, with only a 2-3 month waiting period. For its diesel variant, you will have to wait for 7-8 months.
The waiting period for Scorpio N can be reduced as Mahindra is increasing the production of its SUVs. Specifically, they are working on increasing production for high-waiting period SUVs like Scorpio N, XUV700, and Thar.
According to reports, the production of Scorpio N will be increased by up to 10,000 units per month. Additionally, production will be based on market demand. People may have to wait less for the Scorpio N, and they will receive their car deliveries faster.