Hyundai has commenced the procession of expected EV launches in India with their Hyundai Creta Electric. The year would be speckled with more EV launches but as of yet, variants and other details of the Creta Electric have been revealed. While the vehicle is about to launch on 17th January Hyundai has started accepting bookings for the same against a token amount of 25,000 Rs.
Hyundai has revealed a lot about the car through their official website. Since booking has commenced Hyundai has revealed about the variants, color options and other information’s to help the users in making a informed choice while booking the vehicle.
Hyundai Creta Electric Variants?
Hyundai has brought the Creta Electric in five trim levels namely – Executive, Smart, Smart(o), Premium and Excellence. It would be beneficial for the interested customer to know that the car would be offered with two battery packs. A 42 KWH battery pack as well as a 51.4 KWH battery pack. The middle of the order (smart) trim would be available with both the battery packs, making it convenient for the buyers choosing the vehicle. The car is expected to be launched on January 17th , 2025 and prices would be revealed at that point only as well.
The Issue With All EV’s In The Indian Market
While consumers have been shifting to EV’s in the Indian market, the overall change would take considerable time. Charging time of a vehicle has been one of the biggest issues that EV owners have been challenged with. While manufacturers have been trying to find a resolute solution for the same- But Long charging durations have remained be a bane of existence for the Ev’s in the Indian market.
In the case of Hyundai Creta Electric – Hyundai has reported that the vehicle could charge to about 80% in 58 minutes but only with a DC fast charger. Which cannot be installed at homes and further you would have to visit a charging station to charge the vehicle with a DC fast charger which can be expensive in the long run.
Hyundai has also released specs of a 11kw AC charger that can be installed at home. But as of yet most Indian houses have a electrical house supply of a 7KW at max( can be increased at your will, with higher unit charges). So a 11kW Ac charger could only be installed if you increase your household electricity connection to get the charger installed, but then the per unit charge of electricity might increase as well making the per-charge price more expensive. Hence compatibility issues and extensive charging times still persist to challenge the EV buyer in India.
Performance Of The Specs of Hyundai Creta
The Hyundai Creta Electric would be made available with two battery packs a 42 KWH as as well as a 51.4 KWH battery pack. The 51.4 KWH battery pack would give a claimed range of around 473 km on a single full charge. The Creta Electric line has pledged a acceleration time of around 7.9 seconds for a 0 to a 100 km/h.
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