New Delhi: The French carmaker launched its first product in the country this year in the form of the C3 hatchback. The ex-showroom price of this car in the country ranges between Rs. 5.88 lakh to Rs. 8.15 lakh. The car gets the option of two engines like 1.2L, 3-cylinder naturally aspirated petrol and 1.2L, 3-cylinder turbo-petrol. Which generates 82 bhp power and 115 Nm torque and 110 bhp power and 190 Nm torque respectively. The engine itself gets a 6-speed manual gearbox. It will also get an automatic transmission upgrade soon.
C3 will come in CNG version
Citroën is soon going to launch the C3 model in the CNG variant. Whose testing is being done. This car can be launched in the country in the early months of 2023. The car will get a 1.2L naturally aspirated petrol engine with a factory-fitted CNG kit.
Tata Tiago CNG will compete
The Citroen C3 CNG will compete with the Tata Tiago CNG in the Indian market. The car gets a 1.2L petrol engine with a CNG kit. This car gives a mileage of 26.49 km/kg. The price of this car is Rs 6.35 lakh. Along with this, it will also compete with Tata’s upcoming CNG car Punch.
C3 will also come in electric version
After bringing C3 in CNG version, the company is also going to bring its electric version in the country. A 50 kWh battery pack can be seen in this car, which will be capable of generating 136 PS of power and 260 Nm of torque with the electric motor. The global variant of the Peugeot e-208 also gets the same powertrain.
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