Carrying the accolades of the previous Dubai 24 endurance race in his bag, Actor Ajith Kumar has now moved onto a new racing series in Portugal. The current competition that the actor would participate in would be the Southern Europe Porsche Sprint Challenge.
The actors participation in the international events has brought a lot of pride for Indians. With a brilliant track record of Third place in the Dubai 24 hr the actor is all set for another round of successful racing.
Portugal Series
Ajith has participated successfully in the prestigious racing event in Portugal. The actor was able to complete the extremely difficult track of about 4.653 km in a impressive time of 1:14:13.
The number showcases actors sheer talent and driving expertise behind the wheel. Beyond the fact that the actor has a army of fans waiting for his movies the actor has taken time to acknowledge his passion for going fast. The actor was able to qualify for the position 19th in his division after race 1.
Guiding the actor in his new challenge would be the driving coach Mathieu Detry. The coach would be helping the actor ace his way through the portimao racing circuit for the first sprint after qualifying.
Racing Plans For Portugal
The actor had already voiced his opinions about how he would not take any work until the racing season is completely over. Beyond racing Ajith would also be handling the other responsibilities of the racing team since he is the Owner of the team as well. His team consists of racing driver Mathieu Detry, Fabian Duffieux and Cameron McLeod who had been the partners of with Ajith at his Dubai racing series as well.
The actors films such as the Vidaa Muyarchi has been scheduled for release followed by another movie that has been named Good Bad and Ugly.
The teams win in the last series was a result of profound efforts from Ajith, Fabian Duffieux, Cameron Mcleod and Mathieu Detry. While Actor Ajith had been in the limelight, the other racecar drivers showcased resilience and profound skills on the track as well.
Ajith’s History As a Racecar Driver
Actor Ajith is veteran in Racing he has previously participated in events like Formula BMW Asia, British Formula 3 and FIA F2 championships. We were sure about how such crashes would not impact the will of the passionate Ajith Even Slightly. And same has been reflected by the driver’s will to keep on racing and attending to the teams need as a owner